▪ law
▪ peace
soldiers involved in peace ~ operations overseas
▪ civil rights ( AmE ), drug ( esp. AmE )
▪ border , immigration (both AmE )
▪ effective , proper
▪ rigorous , strict , stringent , strong , vigorous
▪ better , tighter , tougher
Newspapers called for tougher ~ of the existing laws on drugs.
▪ lax
▪ selective ( esp. AmE )
the selective ~ of immigration laws
▪ judicial , legal , police
▪ agent , officer , official
▪ personnel
▪ agency , authority , body
federal law ~ agencies
law ~ bodies
▪ machinery , mechanism , system
The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary ~ machinery.
▪ powers
▪ action , efforts , measures , methods , operations , practices , procedures , proceedings