▪ excellent , good , productive , profitable , sound , successful , wise , worthwhile
▪ bad , poor
He lost a lot of money through poor ~s.
▪ high-risk , risky , speculative
▪ safe
▪ considerable , enormous , great , heavy , hefty ( esp. AmE ), high , huge , large , large-scale , major , massive , significant , sizeable , substantial
The president has called for massive ~ to rebuild the country's economy.
▪ low , minimal , modest , small
▪ inadequate
The country's infrastructure is crumbling because of inadequate ~.
▪ maximum , minimum
▪ additional , extra , further
▪ gross , net
▪ overall
▪ new
▪ necessary
▪ strategic
▪ direct
▪ domestic , local
▪ cross-border , foreign , international , inward ( esp. BrE ), offshore , outside , overseas
▪ long-term , short-term
▪ initial , original , upfront
an initial ~ of $5 million
▪ property ( esp. BrE ), real estate ( AmE ), share ( esp. BrE ), stock ( esp. AmE ), stock-market
He was making a living from his real estate ~s.
▪ capital , equity , financial
▪ business , industrial , infrastructural , infrastructure , manufacturing
▪ federal , government , public , public-sector ( esp. BrE ), state
▪ corporate , institutional
▪ private , private-sector
private ~ in the health service
▪ personal
I had made a personal ~ in time and energy.
▪ emotional , parental
parents' emotional ~ in their children
▪ flow , level , rate
▪ make
▪ attract , boost , encourage , promote , spur , stimulate
a business plan to encourage new ~
▪ discourage
▪ increase
▪ cut
▪ recoup , recover
It took two years before I recouped my ~.
▪ realize
She felt the time was right to realize her ~, and sold all her shares.
▪ spread
When buying shares, it's wise to spread your ~ over several companies.
▪ protect
▪ increase , rise , soar , surge
▪ decline , fall
▪ return , yield
My ~ yielded almost 20% annually.
▪ account , fund , trust
▪ portfolio
Bonds should be part of your ~ portfolio.
▪ levels , rates
inadequate ~ levels
▪ flow
Investment flows dropped sharply and the region's growth halted.
▪ plan , scheme ( BrE )
▪ strategy
She sees art as a long-term ~ strategy.
▪ opportunity
We can help you identify ~ opportunities.
▪ decision
▪ income
Investment income is subject to different tax rules.
▪ bank , company , firm , trust
▪ adviser , analyst , banker , manager , professional
▪ as an ~
I don't really like modern art but I bought it as an ~.
▪ ~ from
~ from American pension funds
▪ ~ in
~ in local industry
▪ a loss on an ~
losses made on ~s in stocks and bonds
▪ a profit on an ~ , a return on an ~
I'm hoping for a good return on my ~.