1 period of teaching or learning
▪ good , interesting
▪ boring
▪ individual
▪ private
▪ driving , English , geography , history , music , piano , swimming , etc.
▪ attend , go to , have , take
I go to Italian ~s at the local college.
I'm taking driving ~s at the moment.
▪ begin , start
She started guitar ~s at the age of 38.
▪ give (sb) , offer (sb) , provide , take , teach
She gives singing ~s.
They're offering free ~s in computing.
I had to take a biology ~ this afternoon because the biology teacher was away. ( BrE )
He doesn't teach very many ~s these days.
▪ get
Students get ~s on how to organize their study time.
▪ prepare
The trouble is that teachers don't prepare their ~s carefully enough.
▪ miss , skip
He got into trouble for skipping ~s.
▪ plan
She was preparing a ~ plan for a class she was teaching.
▪ during a/the ~
No talking was allowed during the ~.
▪ in a/the ~
You can't expect to learn all there is to know about the subject in a 45-minute ~.
▪ ~ about
a ~ about the Civil War
▪ ~ in
He took ~s in Thai cookery.
▪ ~ on
a ~ on the Roman Empire
▪ ~ with
They have a ~ with Mrs Evans at two o'clock.
2 sth learned through experience
▪ basic , big , good , great , important , salutary , useful , valuable
▪ bitter , hard , painful
It's a hard ~ to learn.
▪ clear
▪ real
▪ life , moral
▪ object (= a practical example of what you should or should not do in a particular situation)
▪ draw , learn
What ~s can we draw from this unfortunate experience?
▪ teach sb
It taught me some valuable ~s about working with other people.
▪ apply
▪ forget , remember
We need to remember the ~s of history.
▪ ~ from
There are important ~s to be learned from this mistake.
▪ ~ in
I had learned a ~ in respecting the privacy of others.
▪ ~ of
It is dangerous to ignore the ~s of the past.