▪ high-ranking , prominent , senior , top
▪ junior , minor
▪ local , provincial , regional
▪ public
▪ administration , departmental , federal , government , state
a senior Bush administration ~
▪ full-time
full-time union ~s
▪ retired
▪ elected
▪ responsible
Report the incident to the responsible ~.
the ~ responsible for handling the case
▪ corrupt
▪ bank , city , company , corporate , council , court , customs , health , intelligence , judicial , law enforcement ( esp. AmE ), military , ministry ( esp. BrE ), party , royal , union
the FBI and other law enforcement ~s
his background as a union ~
▪ appoint (sb)
▪ consult , consult with ( esp. AmE ), meet , meet with ( esp. AmE )
She is due to meet with local ~s to discuss possible relief projects.
▪ bribe
He attempted to bribe local ~s.
Official is used with these nouns: ↑ acceptance , ↑ acknowledgement , ↑ agency , ↑ announcement , ↑ apology , ↑ appointment , ↑ approval , ↑ assurance , ↑ authorization , ↑ backing , ↑ banquet , ↑ biography , ↑ blessing , ↑ bulletin , ↑ business , ↑ campaign , ↑ capacity , ↑ celebration , ↑ censorship , ↑ censure , ↑ census , ↑ ceremony , ↑ channel , ↑ circle , ↑ clearance , ↑ comment , ↑ commission , ↑ communication , ↑ communiqué , ↑ complaint , ↑ condemnation , ↑ confirmation , ↑ correspondence , ↑ corruption , ↑ cover , ↑ currency , ↑ curriculum , ↑ declaration , ↑ definition , ↑ delegation , ↑ denial , ↑ dinner , ↑ disapproval , ↑ document , ↑ duty , ↑ endorsement , ↑ engagement , ↑ enquiry , ↑ estimate , ↑ exchange , ↑ explanation , ↑ figure , ↑ file , ↑ forecast , ↑ function , ↑ funding , ↑ guideline , ↑ historian , ↑ history , ↑ ideology , ↑ inauguration , ↑ index , ↑ journal , ↑ language , ↑ launch , ↑ letter , ↑ line , ↑ logo , ↑ magazine , ↑ media , ↑ meeting , ↑ mourning , ↑ mouthpiece , ↑ name , ↑ notification , ↑ opening , ↑ organization , ↑ paper , ↑ permission , ↑ photographer , ↑ policy , ↑ position , ↑ presentation , ↑ proclamation , ↑ propaganda , ↑ protest , ↑ publication , ↑ receiver , ↑ reception , ↑ recognition , ↑ recommendation , ↑ record , ↑ regulation , ↑ release , ↑ religion , ↑ report , ↑ representative , ↑ reprimand , ↑ request , ↑ residence , ↑ response , ↑ result , ↑ retirement , ↑ rhetoric , ↑ rule , ↑ sanction , ↑ secrecy , ↑ secret , ↑ site , ↑ source , ↑ sponsor , ↑ stamp , ↑ stance , ↑ standard , ↑ statement , ↑ statistics , ↑ story , ↑ strike , ↑ supplier , ↑ support , ↑ talk , ↑ teaching , ↑ title , ↑ tour , ↑ transcript , ↑ union , ↑ use , ↑ version , ↑ visit , ↑ warning , ↑ watchdog , ↑ website , ↑ welcome