1 do a task/duty/piece of work
▪ effectively , efficiently , properly ( esp. BrE ), successfully , well
Who ensures that tasks are properly ~ed?
▪ poorly
▪ adequately , competently , reliably , satisfactorily
▪ correctly
▪ safely
▪ duly ( BrE ), faithfully
He duly ~ed his own half of the bargain and expected the others to do likewise.
those who faithfully ~ their duties
▪ annually
▪ regularly , routinely
▪ automatically
▪ manually
▪ be able to , be unable to
The prince is no longer able to ~ his duties.
▪ be expected to
▪ failure to ~ sth
failure to ~ a duty
2 work/function/play
▪ admirably , beautifully , brilliantly , efficiently , excellently , faultlessly , flawlessly , impressively , magnificently , solidly , strongly , superbly , well
One or two of the players ~ed brilliantly.
The company has been ~ing strongly over the past year.
▪ badly , dismally ( esp. BrE ), poorly
The car ~ed poorly at high speeds.
▪ adequately , competently , reliably , satisfactorily
▪ consistently
▪ be able to , be unable to
▪ be expected to
students who are expected to ~ well
3 give a performance
▪ live
The group will be ~ing live on tonight's show.
▪ in public , publicly
▪ professionally
▪ together
The two artists have never ~ed together before.
▪ annually
▪ first ~ed
The play was first publicly ~ed in 1872.
▪ rarely ~ed
▪ see sth ~ed
I've never seen this play ~ed before.
Perform is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ actor, actress , ↑ artist , ↑ athlete , ↑ band , ↑ cast , ↑ choir , ↑ dancer , ↑ economy , ↑ employee , ↑ gymnast , ↑ musician , ↑ orchestra , ↑ singer , ↑ surgeon
Perform is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ ballet , ↑ abortion , ↑ act , ↑ action , ↑ activity , ↑ analysis , ↑ antics , ↑ assessment , ↑ autopsy , ↑ bypass , ↑ calculation , ↑ census , ↑ ceremony , ↑ chore , ↑ comparison , ↑ composition , ↑ concert , ↑ concerto , ↑ dance , ↑ deed , ↑ demonstration , ↑ display , ↑ duty , ↑ euthanasia , ↑ evaluation , ↑ exam , ↑ examination , ↑ exercise , ↑ experiment , ↑ feat , ↑ function , ↑ imitation , ↑ injection , ↑ inspection , ↑ job , ↑ magic , ↑ maintenance , ↑ management , ↑ manoeuvre , ↑ measurement , ↑ miracle , ↑ mission , ↑ motion , ↑ move , ↑ movement , ↑ music , ↑ operation , ↑ piece , ↑ procedure , ↑ recital , ↑ reconnaissance , ↑ reconstruction , ↑ repair , ↑ repertoire , ↑ repetition , ↑ rescue , ↑ research , ↑ resuscitation , ↑ review , ↑ ritual , ↑ role , ↑ routine , ↑ sacrifice , ↑ scan , ↑ search , ↑ service , ↑ simulation , ↑ sketch , ↑ solo , ↑ song , ↑ spell , ↑ step , ↑ stunt , ↑ surgery , ↑ survey , ↑ symphony , ↑ task , ↑ test , ↑ transfusion , ↑ transplant , ↑ trick , ↑ U-turn , ↑ work