(also photo ) noun
▪ old , recent
▪ early , vintage
▪ black-and-white , colour/color , sepia
We looked through her old black-and-white ~s.
▪ blurred , blurry , fuzzy , grainy , out-of-focus
a fuzzy black-and-white ~
The newspaper published a grainy ~ of her.
This ~ is out of focus.
▪ faded
▪ clear , sharp
The ~s were clear and sharp.
▪ still
▪ action
The book is illustrated with 96 action ~s.
▪ beautiful , excellent , good , great , lovely , stunning , superb , wonderful
▪ good-quality , high-quality , high-resolution
▪ glossy
▪ framed
▪ signed
▪ studio
▪ group , team ( esp. BrE )
▪ portrait
▪ family
▪ wedding
▪ school ( esp. BrE ) (usually school picture in AmE )
▪ cover , magazine , newspaper , press
The cover ~ of one magazine showed a dying soldier.
▪ publicity
▪ documentary
▪ archival ( AmE ), archive ( BrE )
▪ historic , historical , period
▪ famous
the famous ~ of Che Guevara
▪ fashion
▪ passport , passport-sized
▪ enlarged
▪ close-up
▪ still
Frame the subject in the video viewfinder as you would for a still ~.
▪ aerial , satellite
satellite ~s of Beijing
▪ digital , Polaroid™
▪ infrared
▪ indecent ( BrE , law ), pornographic
He admitted offences of possessing indecent ~s of children.
▪ get , shoot , take
I got some great ~s of the party.
Can I have my ~ taken with you?
I spent the day taking ~s of the city.
▪ compose
▪ pose for
We posed for a group ~.
▪ make
The sun rising over the horizon would have made a good ~.
▪ copy , develop , print
I can't wait till the ~s have been printed.
I prefer to print my digital ~s.
▪ blow up , enlarge
A ~ of them is blown up to fill two full pages.
editing software that enables you to enlarge and crop ~s
Click on individual ~s to enlarge them.
▪ touch up
The ~ has been touched up to conceal her scar.
▪ crop
▪ mount
I cropped the ~ and mounted it on some card.
▪ scan , scan in
I scanned in some ~s of the family to send to friends by email.
She scans each ~ into her computer.
▪ download , upload
Upload your ~s to one of these sites.
▪ post
I'm learning how to post ~s on my blog.
▪ store
the ~s stored on the memory card
▪ publish , release
The next day they published ~s of the kidnappers.
a couple of ~s released by news agencies
▪ feature
The first issue featured a ~ of Martha Graham on the cover.
▪ appear
Her ~ appeared in all the papers.
▪ depict sth , document sth , illustrate sth , reveal sth , show sth
▪ capture sth
The ~ manages to capture the excitement of the occasion.
▪ album
▪ frame
▪ in a/the ~
The wing is assembled as shown in the ~ below.
Tell me who everyone is in the ~.
▪ ~ of
An aerial ~ of the field shows clearly where the buildings were.
a ~ of my son Edmund
Photograph is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ model