▪ be , feel , look , seem , sound
▪ find sth
▪ make sth
▪ extremely , fairly , very , etc.
▪ perfectly , reasonably
His colleagues were perfectly ~ and friendly but they had their own lives to lead.
▪ less than , not altogether , not entirely , not exactly , not particularly
It was not a particularly ~ experience.
▪ almost
▪ enough
It was a ~ enough day.
▪ to
He has always been extremely ~ to me.
Pleasant is used with these nouns: ↑ aroma , ↑ association , ↑ atmosphere , ↑ banter , ↑ baritone , ↑ breeze , ↑ change , ↑ chap , ↑ companion , ↑ company , ↑ conversation , ↑ disposition , ↑ diversion , ↑ dream , ↑ environment , ↑ evening , ↑ experience , ↑ face , ↑ feeling , ↑ flavour , ↑ fragrance , ↑ hotel , ↑ interlude , ↑ journey , ↑ lounge , ↑ manner , ↑ memory , ↑ mood , ↑ personality , ↑ scent , ↑ sensation , ↑ smell , ↑ spot , ↑ stay , ↑ stroll , ↑ suburb , ↑ surprise , ↑ surroundings , ↑ task , ↑ taste , ↑ thought , ↑ time , ↑ tone , ↑ trip , ↑ voice , ↑ walk , ↑ warmth