▪ considerable , enviable , excellent , fine , good , great , high , impeccable
She has built up an enviable ~ as a writer.
▪ legendary , outstanding , stellar ( esp. AmE ), sterling ( esp. AmE ), unrivalled/unrivaled ( esp. BrE )
the player's legendary ~ for accuracy
▪ awesome ( esp. BrE ), fearsome , formidable , strong
▪ deserved , well-deserved , well-earned
▪ undeserved
his undeserved ~ for stinginess
▪ bad , poor , terrible , unenviable ( esp. BrE ), unsavoury/unsavory
The club has an unenviable ~ for attracting trouble.
The town's unsavoury/unsavory ~ was bad for business.
▪ dubious , questionable
▪ tarnished
America is struggling to restore its tarnished ~.
▪ infamous , notorious
He has a notorious ~ of womanizing.
▪ negative , positive (both esp. AmE )
The company has built up a positive ~.
▪ established , long-standing , solid
▪ intact (only after reputation )
He emerged from the trial with his ~ intact.
▪ growing
▪ international , national , worldwide
▪ personal , public
the need to save his political life and personal ~
▪ corporate , professional
They may be damaging their corporate ~.
▪ academic , literary , scholarly , scientific
the school's academic ~
▪ historical , posthumous
Franklin's historical ~ has fluctuated.
Her posthumous ~ has begun to grow.
▪ enjoy , have
He has the ~ of being a hard worker.
▪ acquire , build , build up , develop , earn , establish , forge , gain , garner , get , make , win
Her international ~ is built on an impressive list of publications.
She garnered a ~ as an incisive commentator.
▪ bolster , enhance , improve
Her extensive research enhanced her ~.
▪ damage , destroy , hurt , lose , ruin , sully , tarnish
It seems that nothing can tarnish his ~.
▪ defend , maintain , preserve , protect , secure , uphold
▪ salvage , save
He can still salvage his ~ if he acts quickly.
▪ restore
If the profession wishes to restore its ~, it must get its act together.
▪ cement , solidify
This cemented his ~ as a civil rights militant.
▪ deserve , live up to
November is certainly living up to its reputation—we've had nothing but rain all week.
▪ live down
She found it hard to live down her ~ as a second-rate actress.
▪ risk , stake
He has staked his ~ on the success of the play.
▪ shed
The country has definitively shed its ~ for economic mismanagement.
▪ grow
▪ suffer
The company's ~ suffered when it had to recall thousands of products.
▪ depend on sth , rest on sth
My ~ rests on the success of this party!
▪ be based on sth
That ~ is based on hard work.
▪ by ~
He was by ~ difficult to please.
▪ ~ among , ~ with
the publisher's ~ among critics
It has given them a good ~ with their customers.
▪ ~ as
You've made quite a ~ for yourself as a rebel!
▪ ~ for
The company has a well-deserved ~ for being reliable.
▪ ~ of
our ~ of excellence in journalism
▪ a loss of ~
▪ sb's ~ precedes them
His ~ preceded him ( = we had heard about him before we met him ).