▪ appear , be , look , seem , sound
▪ extremely , fairly , very , etc.
▪ deeply
the warm, deeply ~ note in her voice
▪ absolutely , completely , entirely , perfectly , quite , totally , utterly
▪ apparently , seemingly ( esp. AmE )
▪ enough
Her protests seemed ~ enough.
▪ most
We offer our most ~ apologies.
▪ painfully
painfully ~ declarations of love
▪ about
his refusal to be ~ about his feelings
▪ in
Have they been ~ in their efforts to resolve the crisis?
Sincere is used with these nouns: ↑ admiration , ↑ apology , ↑ appreciation , ↑ belief , ↑ condolences , ↑ congratulations , ↑ desire , ↑ effort , ↑ gratitude , ↑ hope , ↑ love , ↑ regret , ↑ repentance , ↑ thanks , ↑ wish