/ ˌdaɪəgˈnɒstɪk; NAmE -ˈnɑːs-/ adjective , noun
■ adjective
[ usually before noun ] ( technical ) connected with identifying sth, especially an illness :
to carry out diagnostic assessments / tests
specific conditions which are diagnostic of AIDS
■ noun ( computing )
(also ˌdiagˈnostic program ) [ C ] a program used for identifying a computer fault
[ C ] a message on a computer screen giving information about a fault
diagˈnostics [ U ] the practice or methods of diagnosis (= finding out what is wrong with a person who is ill / sick)
early 17th cent.: from Greek diagnōstikos able to distinguish, from diagignōskein distinguish; the noun from hē diagnōstikē tekhnē the art of distinguishing (disease).