/ dɪsˈkwɒlɪfaɪ; NAmE -ˈkwɑːl-/ verb
( dis·quali·fies , dis·quali·fy·ing , dis·quali·fied , dis·quali·fied ) [ vn ] ~ sb (from sth / from doing sth) | ~ sb (for sth) to prevent sb from doing sth because they have broken a rule or are not suitable
SYN bar :
He was disqualified from the competition for using drugs.
( BrE )
You could be disqualified from driving for up to three years.
A heart condition disqualified him for military service.
► dis·quali·fi·ca·tion / dɪsˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; NAmE -ˌkwɑːl-/ noun [ C , U ]:
Any form of cheating means automatic disqualification.