/ ˈegəʊɪzəm; ˈiːg-; NAmE -goʊ-/ (also egot·ism / ˈegətɪzəm; NAmE ; ˈiːg-/) noun
[ U ] ( disapproving ) the fact of thinking that you are better or more important than anyone else
► ego·is·tic / ˌegəʊˈɪstɪk; ˌiːg-; NAmE -goʊ-/ (also egot·is·tic·al / ˌegəˈtɪstɪkl; NAmE ; ˌiːgə-/ egot·is·tic / ˌegəˈtɪstɪk; ˌiːgə-/) adjective
► egot·is·tic·al·ly / -kli; NAmE / adverb
late 18th cent.: from French égoïsme and modern Latin egoismus , from Latin ego I.