/ ˈelɪgənt; NAmE / adjective
( of people or their behaviour ) attractive and showing a good sense of style
SYN stylish :
She was tall and elegant.
( of clothes, places and things ) attractive and designed well
SYN stylish :
an elegant dress
an elegant room / restaurant
( of a plan or an idea ) clever but simple :
an elegant solution to the problem
► ele·gance / ˈelɪgəns; NAmE / noun [ U ]:
She dresses with casual elegance.
His writing combines elegance and wit.
► ele·gant·ly adverb :
elegantly dressed
elegantly furnished
late 15th cent.: from French , or from Latin elegans , elegant- , related to eligere choose, select, from e- (variant of ex- ) out + legere to pick.