/ ˈfemənɪn; NAmE / adjective , noun
■ adjective
having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of women; connected with women :
That dress makes you look very feminine.
He had delicate, almost feminine, features.
the traditional feminine role
—compare female , masculine
( grammar ) belonging to a class of words that refer to female people or animals and often have a special form :
Some people prefer not to use the feminine form 'actress' and use the word 'actor' for both sexes.
( grammar ) ( in some languages ) belonging to a class of nouns, pronouns or adjectives that have feminine gender not masculine or neuter :
The French word for 'table' is feminine.
■ noun ( grammar )
the feminine [ sing. ] the feminine gender (= form of nouns, adjectives and pronouns)
[ C ] a feminine word or word form
—compare masculine , neuter
late Middle English : from Latin femininus , from femina woman.