/ ˈfræntɪk; NAmE / adjective
done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized
SYN hectic :
a frantic dash / search / struggle
They made frantic attempts to revive him.
Things are frantic in the office right now.
unable to control your emotions because you are extremely frightened or worried about sth
SYN beside yourself :
frantic with worry
Let's go back. Your parents must be getting frantic by now.
The children are driving me frantic (= making me very annoyed) .
► fran·tic·al·ly / -kli; NAmE / adverb :
They worked frantically to finish on time.
late Middle English frentik , insane, violently mad , from Old French frenetique , via Latin from Greek phrenitikos , from phrenitis delirium, from phrēn mind.