/ ɪnˈkɒmprəbl; NAmE -ˈkɑːm-/ adjective
so good or impressive that nothing can be compared to it
SYN matchless :
the incomparable beauty of Lake Garda
► in·com·par·abil·ity / ɪnˌkɒmpərəˈbɪləti; NAmE -ˌkɑːm-/ noun [ U ]
► in·com·par·ably / ɪnˈkɒmprəbli; NAmE -ˈkɑːm-/ adverb
late Middle English : via Old French from Latin incomparabilis , from in- not + comparabilis (from the verb comparare , from compar like, equal, from com- with + par equal).