/ ˈrɒlək; ˈrəʊlɒk; NAmE ˈrɑːl-; ˈroʊlɑːk/ ( BrE ) ( NAmE oar·lock ) noun
a device fixed to the side of a boat for holding an oar
mid 18th cent.: alteration of oarlock , influenced by the verb row (I).
/ ˈrɒlək; ˈrəʊlɒk; NAmE ˈrɑːl-; ˈroʊlɑːk/ ( BrE ) ( NAmE oar·lock ) noun
a device fixed to the side of a boat for holding an oar
mid 18th cent.: alteration of oarlock , influenced by the verb row (I).
Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary. Оксфордский английский словарь для изучающик язык на продвинутом уровне. 2005