Meaning of TEMPORAL in English

/ ˈtempərəl; NAmE / adjective


( formal ) connected with the real physical world, not spiritual matters :

Although spiritual leader of millions of people, the Pope has no temporal power.


( formal ) connected with or limited by time :

a universe which has spatial and temporal dimensions


( anatomy ) near the temple(s) at the side of the head :

the right temporal lobe of the brain



senses 1 to 2 Middle English : from Old French temporel or Latin temporalis , from tempus , tempor- time.

sense 3 late Middle English : from late Latin temporalis , from tempora the temples, plural of tempus temple of the head.

Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь для изучающик язык на продвинутом уровне.