n. 1 cudgel, bat, bludgeon, mace, billy, truncheon, baton, staff, stick; cosh, Chiefly US and Canadian blackjack The blow from the club required six stitches 2 association, society, organization, fraternity, sorority, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, federation, union, guild, lodge, alliance, league, order, consortium, company Our sailing club holds an annual race 3 clubhouse The society's club is near Pall Mall 4 nightclub, cabaret, Colloq nightspot After the theatre, we stopped at Oscar's club for a nightcap
v. 5 beat, cudgel, bludgeon, bat, belabour or US belabor; lambaste, baste, thrash, trounce The guerrillas caught the traitor and clubbed him to death 6 Often, club together. band or join or league (together), team (up), join forces, combine, ally, associate, confederate, cooperate We clubbed together to purchase the antique clock