Meaning of DISHONOURABLE in English

adj. 1 disgraceful, degrading, inglorious, ignominious, shameful, shaming, base, debased After the court martial, he received a dishonourable discharge 2 unprincipled, shameless, corrupt, unscrupulous, untrustworthy, treacherous, traitorous, perfidious, dishonest, hypocritical, two-faced, duplicitous, disreputable, discreditable, base, despicable; disloyal, unfaithful, faithless A double agent is considered dishonourable by both governments 3 improper, unseemly, unbecoming, unworthy, outrageous, objectionable, reprehensible, flagrant, bad, evil, vile, low, mean, contemptible, below or beneath criticism, foul, heinous, dirty, filthy Informing on your classmates is the most dishonourable thing you can do

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