v. 1 ignore, overlook, pay little or no heed or attention to, take little or no notice or account of, dismiss from one's mind or thoughts, turn a blind eye or deaf ear to, brush aside, pass up, wink or blink at, make light of, let go by, gloss over, Rare pretermit I shall disregard those insulting remarks 2 snub, slight, turn up one's nose at, disparage, despise, contemn, disdain, scorn, (give the) cold shoulder (to), cut; underrate, underestimate, take little or no account of, undervalue, minimize, dismiss, sneeze at, Slang brush off, give the go-by Visitors often disregard the cultural attractions of Las Vegas
n. 3 disrespect, contempt, indifference, inattention, non-observance, neglect, heedlessness, Rare pretermission; disdain, low regard, disesteem Some drive with a profound disregard for the law