v. 1 meet, come upon, run into or across, happen upon, chance upon, hit upon, light upon, stumble upon, Colloq bump into She encountered him again in the supermarket 2 face, experience, meet with, contend with, be faced with, come into contact with, wrestle with She encounters such problems every day 3 come into conflict with, contend with, assail, cross swords (with), grapple with, engage, joust with, do battle with, confront, clash with, join, meet The ballad tells how he encountered the black knight in single combat
n. 4 meeting It was a chance encounter that brought us together 5 confrontation, brush, quarrel, disagreement, dispute, altercation, engagement, action, battle, fight, clash, conflict, skirmish, contest, competition, duel, contention, struggle, war, Colloq dust-up, scrap, run-in, set-to My uncle took part in the bloody encounter in the Ardennes