n. 1 gay, homophile; lesbian, tribade, sapphist; All the following are offensive and derogatory pervert, invert, Slang queer, fairy, pansy, nancy, nance, queen, drag queen, homo; butch, (bull) dyke; Brit poof, poofter, ginger (beer), US fruit, auntie, fag, faggot We suspected that he was a closet homosexual
adj. 2 (of either sex) gay, homoerotic, homophile; (of a female) lesbian, tribadic, sapphic; (of a male) effeminate; All the following are offensive and derogatory perverted, inverted, Colloq chiefly Brit bent, Slang queer, camp, campy, faggy, kinky, Chiefly US fruity, limp-wristed, faggy, swish, swishy We never knew of her homosexual tendencies