n. 1 inactivity, inaction, lethargy, torpor, indolence, laziness, sluggishness, sloth, slothfulness, shiftlessness, inertia, lassitude, torpor, flânerie, dolce far niente; unemployment, Colloq US lallygagging or lollygagging, Military slang US gold-bricking The strike created enforced idleness for non-union workers as well 2 shirking, malingering, dawdling, loafing, time-wasting, lazing, Colloq dilly-dallying, shilly-shallying, Brit skiving The foreman warned that he would not tolerate idleness
Meaning of IDLENESS in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012