n. 1 burlesque, lampoon, satire, caricature, mockery, mimicry, Colloq take-off, spoof, Brit send-up The more serious the intent of the original author's work, the easier it is to write a parody of it 2 travesty, mockery, feeble or poor imitation, distortion, perversion, corruption, debasement The Inquisition was a parody of justice and of religion
v. 3 burlesque, lampoon, satirize, caricature, mock, mimic, ape, ridicule, deride, laugh at, poke fun at, guy, scoff at, sneer at, rib, tease, twit, roast, pillory, make a laughing-stock (of), make sport of, make fun of, make a monkey (out) of, Archaic fleer, Colloq take off, spoof, kid, Brit send up Swift parodied English political figures and policies of the day in Gulliver's Travels