mell adv. 1 helter-skelter, slapdash, rashly, feverishly, incautiously, confusedly, chaotically, wildly, impulsively, recklessly, slap-bang, impetuously, hastily, hurriedly, precipitately, spontaneously The ice-cream vendor pedalled down the street with the children running pell-mell after him
adj. 2 helter-skelter, slapdash, rash, feverish, incautious, confused, disordered, disorderly, disorganized, wild, mad, chaotic, tumultuous, panicky, impulsive, reckless, precipitate, impetuous, hasty, hurried Quick action by the soldiers was responsible for the pell-mell rout of the attackers
n. 3 confusion, disorder, chaos, tumult, pandemonium, turmoil, mêlée or melee, furore or US furor, commotion, bedlam, brouhaha, hubbub, excitement In the pell-mell that followed, several bystanders were injured