n. 1 quarry, kill, game, objective, target The lioness singled out her prey from the herd of zebra 2 victim, target, objective; dupe, Colloq mark, Slang fall guy, pushover, Brit mug A public company with huge cash reserves, United Vector seemed easy prey for a take-over bid
v. 3 prey on or upon. a live off, feed on or upon, eat, consume, devour, kill, destroy, stalk, pursue, hunt, seize These snakes prey mostly upon other snakes b victimize, go after, exploit, use, take advantage of, intimidate, bully, cheat, dupe, swindle, gull, trick, snooker, defraud, outwit, outsmart, outfox, hoodwink, Literary cozen, Colloq rook, bamboozle, flimflam An unscrupulous gang is preying on the elderly, persuading them to invest in non-existent properties c oppress, weigh on or upon, burden, depress, distress, strain, vex, worry His wretched condition preyed very much on her mind