n. 1 honour, proudness, self-esteem, self-respect, amour propre, dignity It is gratifying to be able to look with pride on one's children's achievements 2 conceit, egotism, self-importance, vanity, hubris, arrogance, overconfidence, overweeningness, self-admiration, self-love, self-importance, smugness, haughtiness, hauteur, snobbery, snobbishness, Colloq uppitiness Pride goeth before a fall Her pride stems from an exaggerated notion of her own worth. 3 boast, flower, best, prize, pride and joy, treasure, jewel, gem Those model railway trains are Eustace's pride and joy
v. 4 Usually, pride oneself on. be proud of, take pride in, delight in, revel in, celebrate, glory in Irena prides herself on having made her own way in life, without anyone's help