Meaning of PUNISH in English

v. 1 penalize, chastise, castigate, discipline, chasten, scold, rebuke, take to task, reprove, dress down, admonish, correct, teach someone a lesson, give a lesson to, throw the book at, rap (someone's) knuckles, slap (someone's) wrist, have or US call on the carpet, Colloq take it out on (someone) A child's first taste of injustice is being punished for something she did not do 2 imprison, jail or Brit also gaol, incarcerate, lock up; fine, mulct, amerce; lash, flog, beat, scourge, spank, whip, cane, birch, put across or US also turn over (one's) knee, US paddle; pillory, crucify; tar and feather, exile, banish, excommunicate, cashier, drum out of the corps; hang, execute, electrocute, draw and quarter, send to the gas chamber, Colloq put away, Slang Brit send down, US send up They were punished for their crimes 3 hurt, harm, injure, damage, abuse, maltreat, rough up, knock about or around, maul, thrash, beat, trounce, manhandle, batter, Slang beat up The challenger punished the champion so badly that he could not come out for the tenth round

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