n. 1 object, intention, intent, end, goal, ambition, objective, target, aim, principle, point, rationale, reason; scheme, plan, design, motive, motivation, view What purpose was served by her confession? If your purpose in inviting me was to insult me, I shall leave now I fail to understand Laura's purpose in warning me against David. 2 resolution, firmness, determination, persistence, drive, single-mindedness, deliberation, deliberateness, purposefulness, steadfastness, tenacity, doggedness, will, resolve, resoluteness, perseverance, stubbornness She admired the strong purpose behind his refusal to compromise with quality 3 use, practicality, avail, effect, utility, usefulness, outcome, result; advantage, profit, gain, good, benefit To what purpose are you planning to put this knowledge? I cannot see the purpose in pursuing this line of questioning 4 on purpose. a purposely, intentionally, deliberately, wilfully, by design, consciously, knowingly, designedly, wittingly That was no accident you kicked me on purpose! b especially, specially, expressly, exactly, precisely, specifically, in particular: He kicked me on purpose, Mum, just to make me cry!
v. 5 plan, intend, design, resolve, mean, aim, have in mind or view, have a mind, propose, consider, contemplate, aspire, long, yearn They purpose to open an office of their own