Meaning of TENACIOUS in English

adj. 1 persistent, dogged, unfaltering, pertinacious, unswerving, determined, diligent, resolute, staunch, stalwart, steadfast, strong, sturdy, unwavering, strong-willed, strong-minded, unshaken, unshakeable or unshakable, obstinate, intransigent, stubborn, adamant, obdurate, refractory, immovable, inflexible, rigid, firm, unyielding, uncompromising Despite his age, Christopher maintains a tenacious grip on reality 2 cohesive, strong, tough; adhesive, sticky, clinging; gummy, gluey, mucilaginous, glutinous, viscous, viscid The bricks are then smeared over with a tenacious mud, which dries hard 3 Often, tenacious of. clinging (to), grasping, maintaining, keeping (up), staying with, retentive (of), persisting or persistent (in), retaining She is tenacious of the old ways of doing things 4 retentive, good Aunt Agatha has a very tenacious memory

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