n. 1 dusk, sunset, gloaming, sundown, half-light, crepuscule or crepuscle We enjoyed dinner at twilight on the terrace overlooking the sea 2 decline, wane, waning, ebb, downturn, down-swing, slump, decay, weakening, declination, diminution Even at the twilight of his career, Jonas enjoyed the respect of his colleagues 3 Twilight of the Gods. Götterdmmerung, Ragnarök or Ragnarok The world ends at the Twilight of the Gods, only to be born anew
adj. 4 evening, crepuscular, dimming, darkening, darkish, darksome, shadowy, shady, dim, dark, obscure, sombre, gloomy, Literary darkling The Nymphs in twilight shade of tangled thickets mourn 5 twilight zone. limbo He lives in the twilight zone, unable to distinguish reality from fantasy