v. 1 spoil, ruin, harm, impair, mar, sully, corrupt, pervert, contaminate, adulterate, weaken, degrade, downgrade, depreciate, diminish, depress, vulgarize, lower, reduce, undermine Words appropriated from other languages tend to enrich rather than vitiate modern English 2 debase, deprave, pervert, corrupt, demoralize, defile Despite other strengths his entire character was vitiated by overriding avarice 3 invalidate, destroy, delete, cancel, nullify, annul, revoke, void, abrogate, abolish, withdraw, quash, suppress The invoice was effectively vitiated by the plaintiff's failure to deliver the goods
Meaning of VITIATE in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012