1. tr. (often foll. by from) a see or point out the difference of; draw distinctions (cannot distinguish one from the other). b constitute such a difference (the mole distinguishes him from his twin). c draw distinctions between; differentiate.
2 tr. be a mark or property of; characterize (distinguished by his greed).
3 tr. discover by listening, looking, etc. (could distinguish two voices).
4 tr. (usu. refl.; often foll. by by) make prominent or noteworthy (distinguished himself by winning first prize).
5 tr. (often foll. by into) divide; classify.
6 intr. (foll. by between) make or point out a difference between.
distinguishable adj.
Etymology: F distinguer or L distinguere (as DIS-, stinguere stinct- extinguish): cf. EXTINGUISH