v. & n.
--v. (dived or US dove)
1. intr. plunge head first into water, esp. as a sport.
2 intr. a Aeron. (of an aircraft) plunge steeply downwards at speed. b Naut. (of a submarine) submerge. c (of a person) plunge downwards.
3 intr. (foll. by into) colloq. a put one's hand into (a pocket, handbag, vessel, etc.) quickly and deeply. b occupy oneself suddenly and enthusiastically with (a subject, meal, etc.).
4 tr. (foll. by into) plunge (a hand etc.) into.
1. an act of diving; a plunge.
2 a the submerging of a submarine. b the steep descent of an aircraft.
3 a sudden darting movement.
4 colloq. a disreputable nightclub etc.; a drinking-den (found themselves in a low dive).
5 Boxing sl. a pretended knockout (took a dive in the second round).
Phrases and idioms:
dive-bomb bomb (a target) while diving in an aircraft. dive-bomber an aircraft designed to dive-bomb. dive in colloq. help oneself (to food). diving-bell an open-bottomed box or bell, supplied with air, in which a person can descend into deep water. diving-board an elevated board used for diving from. diving-suit a watertight suit usu. with a helmet and an air-supply, worn for working under water.
Etymology: OE dufan (v.intr.) dive, sink, and dyfan (v.tr.) immerse, f. Gmc: rel. to DEEP, DIP