n. (pl. -eys)
1. hist. a a low flat single-decked vessel using sails and oars, and usu. rowed by slaves or criminals. b an ancient Greek or Roman warship with one or more banks of oars. c a large open rowing-boat, e.g. that used by the captain of a man-of-war.
2 a ship's or aircraft's kitchen.
3 Printing a an oblong tray for set type. b the corresponding part of a composing-machine. c (in full galley proof) a proof in the form of long single-column strips from type in a galley, not in sheets or pages.
Phrases and idioms:
1. hist. a person condemned to row in a galley.
2 a drudge.
Etymology: ME f. OF galie f. med.L galea, med.Gk galaia