v., adj., & n.
1. intr. a (often foll. by at) look with wide-open eyes. b (of the eyes) be rolled about; protrude.
2 tr. turn (the eyes) sideways or from side to side.
--adj. (usu. attrib.) (of the eyes) protuberant or rolling.
1. (in pl.) a spectacles for protecting the eyes from glare, dust, water, etc. b colloq. spectacles.
2 (in pl.) a sheep disease, the staggers.
3 a goggling expression.
Phrases and idioms:
goggle-box Brit. colloq. a television set. goggle-dive an underwater dive in goggles. goggle-eyed having staring or protuberant eyes.
Etymology: ME, prob. from a base gog (unrecorded) expressive of oscillating movement