adj. & n.
1. a (of an act or a quality) of or fit for a hero. b (of a person) like a hero.
2 a (of language) grand, high-flown, dramatic. b (of a work of art) heroic in scale or subject.
3 (of poetry) dealing with the ancient heroes.
--n. (in pl.)
1. a high-flown language or sentiments. b unduly bold behaviour.
2 heroic verse.
Phrases and idioms:
the heroic age the period in Greek history before the return from Troy. heroic couplet two lines of rhyming iambic pentameters. heroic verse a type of verse used for heroic poetry, esp. the hexameter, the iambic pentameter, or the alexandrine.
heroically adv.
Etymology: F h{eacute}ro{iuml}que or L heroicus f. Gk heroikos (as HERO)