1. n. & v. Brit. sl.
1. a sleep or nap.
2 a bed or cheap lodging-house.
3 (also kip-house or -shop) a brothel.
--v.intr. (kipped, kipping) sleep, take a nap.
Etymology: cf. Da. kippe mean hut 2. n. the hide of a young or small animal as used for leather.
Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. 3. n. (pl. same or kips) the basic monetary unit of Laos.
Etymology: Thai 4. n. Austral. sl. a small piece of wood from which coins are spun in the game of two-up.
Etymology: perh. f. E dial.: cf. keper a flat piece of wood preventing a horse from eating the corn, or Ir. dial. kippeen f. Ir. cip{iacute}n a little stick