1. n.1 any small burrowing insect-eating mammal of the family Talpidae, esp. Talpa europaea, with dark velvety fur and very small eyes.
2 colloq. a a spy established deep within an organization and usu. dormant for a long period while attaining a position of trust. b a betrayer of confidential information.
Etymology: ME molle, prob. f. MDu. moll(e), mol, MLG mol, mul 2. n. a small often slightly raised dark blemish on the skin caused by a high concentration of melanin.
Etymology: OE mal f. Gmc 3. n.1 a massive structure serving as a pier, breakwater, or causeway.
2 an artificial harbour.
Etymology: F m{ocirc}le f. L moles mass 4. n. Chem. the SI unit of amount of substance equal to the quantity containing as many elementary units as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.
Etymology: G Mol f. Molek{uuml}l MOLECULE 5. n. Med. an abnormal mass of tissue in the uterus.
Etymology: F m{ocirc}le f. L mola millstone