n. & v.
1. farmyard manure.
2 colloq. dirt or filth; anything disgusting.
3 colloq. an untidy state; a mess.
1. (usu. foll. by up) Brit. colloq. bungle (a job).
2 (foll. by out) remove muck from.
3 make dirty.
4 manure with muck.
Phrases and idioms:
make a muck of colloq. bungle. muck about (or around) Brit. colloq.
1. potter or fool about.
2 (foll. by with) fool or interfere with. muck in Brit. (often foll. by with) share tasks etc. equally. muck sweat Brit. colloq. a profuse sweat.
Etymology: ME muk prob. f. Scand.: cf. ON myki dung, rel. to MEEK