v. & n.
1. tr. collect (orig. soldiers) for inspection, to check numbers, etc.
2 tr. & intr. collect, gather together.
3 tr. Austral. round up (livestock).
1. the assembly of persons for inspection.
2 an assembly, a collection.
3 Austral. a rounding up of livestock.
4 Austral. sl. attendance (at a meeting, etc.) (had a good muster).
Phrases and idioms:
muster-book a book for registering military personnel. muster in US enrol (recruits). muster out US discharge (soldiers etc.). muster-roll an official list of officers and men in a regiment or ship's company. muster up collect or summon (courage, strength, etc.). pass muster be accepted as adequate.
musterer n. (in sense 3 of n. & v.).
Etymology: ME f. OF mo(u)stre ult. f. L monstrare show