Meaning of OBJECTIVE in English

adj. & n.


1. external to the mind; actually existing; real.

2 (of a person, writing, art, etc.) dealing with outward things or exhibiting facts uncoloured by feelings or opinions; not subjective.

3 Gram. (of a case or word) constructed as or appropriate to the object of a transitive verb or preposition (cf. ACCUSATIVE).

4 aimed at (objective point).

5 (of symptoms) observed by another and not only felt by the patient.


1. something sought or aimed at; an objective point.

2 Gram. the objective case.

3 object-glass.


objectival adj. objectively adv. objectiveness n. objectivity n. objectivize v.tr. (also -ise). objectivization n.

Etymology: med.L objectivus (as OBJECT)

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.