n. & v.
1. habitual action or performance (the practice of teaching; makes a practice of saving).
2 a habit or custom (has been my regular practice).
3 a repeated exercise in an activity requiring the development of skill (to sing well needs much practice). b a session of this (time for target practice).
4 action or execution as opposed to theory.
5 the professional work or business of a doctor, lawyer, etc. (has a practice in town).
6 an established method of legal procedure.
7 procedure generally, esp. of a specified kind (bad practice).
--v.tr. & intr. US var. of PRACTISE.
Phrases and idioms:
in practice
1. when actually applied; in reality.
2 skilful because of recent exercise in a particular pursuit. out of practice lacking a former skill from lack of recent practice. put into practice actually apply (an idea, method, etc.).
Etymology: ME f. PRACTISE, after advice, device