1. n.1 a person who is taught by another, esp. a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher.
2 Sc. Law a boy less than 14 or a girl less than 12 years in age.
pupillage n. (also pupilage). pupillary adj. (also pupilary).
Etymology: ME, orig. orphan, ward f. OF pupille or L pupillus, -illa, dimin. of pupus boy, pupa girl 2. n. the dark circular opening in the centre of the iris of the eye, varying in size to regulate the passage of light to the retina.
pupillar adj. (also pupilar). pupillary adj. (also pupilary).
Etymology: OF pupille or L pupilla, dimin. of pupa doll (as PUPIL(1)): so called from the tiny images visible in the eye