n., adj., & v.
1. a colour intermediate between red and blue.
2 (in full Tyrian purple) a crimson dye obtained from some molluscs.
3 a purple robe, esp. as the dress of an emperor or senior magistrate.
4 the scarlet official dress of a cardinal.
5 (prec. by the) a position of rank, authority, or privilege.
--adj. of a purple colour.
--v.tr. & intr. make or become purple.
Phrases and idioms:
born in the purple
1. born into a reigning family.
2 belonging to the most privileged class. purple emperor a large butterfly, Apatura iris, with purple wings. purple heart Brit. colloq. a heart-shaped stimulant tablet, esp. of amphetamine. Purple Heart (in the US) a decoration for those wounded in action.
purple passage (or patch)
1. an ornate or elaborate passage in a literary composition.
2 Austral. colloq. a piece of luck or success.
purpleness n. purplish adj. purply adj.
Etymology: OE alt. f. purpure purpuran f. L purpura (as PURPURA)