adj. & n.
1. of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized, sentimental, or fantastic view of reality; remote from experience (a romantic picture; a romantic setting).
2 inclined towards or suggestive of romance in love (a romantic woman; a romantic evening; romantic words).
3 (of a person) imaginative, visionary, idealistic.
4 a (of style in art, music, etc.) concerned more with feeling and emotion than with form and aesthetic qualities; preferring grandeur or picturesqueness to finish and proportion. b (also Romantic) of or relating to the 18th-19th-c. romantic movement or style in the European arts.
5 (of a project etc.) unpractical, fantastic.
1. a romantic person.
2 a romanticist.
romantically adv.
Etymology: romant tale of chivalry etc. f. OF f. romanz ROMANCE