Meaning of RUM in English

1. n.1 a spirit distilled from sugar-cane residues or molasses.

2 US intoxicating liquor.

Phrases and idioms:

rum baba see BABA.

Etymology: 17th c.: perh. abbr. of contemporary forms rumbullion, rumbustion, of unkn. orig. 2. adj. Brit. colloq.

1. odd, strange, queer.

2 difficult, dangerous.

Phrases and idioms:

rum go (or start) colloq. a surprising occurrence or unforeseen turn of affairs.


rumly adv. rumness n.

Etymology: 16th-c. cant, orig. fine, spirited, perh. var. of ROM

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.