v. & n.
1. intr. make one's way over rough ground, rocks, etc., by clambering, crawling, etc.
2 intr. (foll. by for, at) struggle with competitors (for a thing or share of it).
3 intr. move with difficulty, hastily, or anxiously.
4 tr. a mix together indiscriminately. b jumble or muddle.
5 tr. cook (eggs) by heating them when broken and well mixed with butter, milk, etc.
6 tr. change the speech frequency of (a broadcast transmission or telephone conversation) so as to make it unintelligible without a corresponding decoding device.
7 intr. move hastily.
8 tr. colloq. execute (an action etc.) awkwardly and inefficiently.
9 intr. (of fighter aircraft or their pilots) take off quickly in an emergency or for action.
1. an act of scrambling.
2 a difficult climb or walk.
3 (foll. by for) an eager struggle or competition.
4 Brit. a motor-cycle race over rough ground.
5 an emergency take-off by fighter aircraft.
Phrases and idioms:
scrambled egg colloq. gold braid on a military officer's cap.
Etymology: 16th c. (imit.): cf. dial. synonyms scamble, cramble