n. & v.
1. a any eight-legged arthropod of the order Araneae with a round unsegmented body, many of which spin webs for the capture of insects as food. b any of various similar or related arachnids, e.g. a red spider.
2 any object comparable to a spider, esp. as having numerous or prominent legs or radiating spokes.
3 Brit. a radiating series of elastic ties used to hold a load in place on a vehicle etc.
1. move in a scuttling manner suggestive of a spider (fingers spidered across the map).
2 cause to move or appear in this way.
3 (as spidering adj.) spiderlike in form, manner, or movement (spidering streets).
Phrases and idioms:
spider crab any of various crabs of the family Majidae with a pear-shaped body and long thin legs. spider monkey any S. American monkey of the genus Ateles, with long limbs and a prehensile tail. spider plant any of various house plants with long narrow striped leaves.
spiderish adj.
Etymology: OE spithra (as SPIN)